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Your Storytelling Wild Card
I’m Devin Polaski, a Creative Director based out of Detroit, Michigan.
And I’m a “Jack of All Trades.”
I’m a Joker: a wild card that changes the game and elevates people’s stories to another level.
I specialize in crafting videos, music, sound, and games for the world's leading brands, nonprofits, and entrepreneurs.
Let’s talk if you have an incredible story to bring to life. Together we can build something we’re proud to share with the world.
Case Studies
It’s my mission in life to help people share their stories with audiences that need to hear them.
When you work with me, and you press ‘play’ on the thing we’ve built together, you’ll understand why.
Clients & Partners
Let’s figure out your story, together.
I’m ready to talk no matter where you’re at in the journey, whether you have a precise plan, or all you have is:
“I need something…but I don’t know what!”