Chevrolet Corvette
Social Content
Role: Creative Director, Producer, Designer, Editor, Animator, Talent
Agency: Weber Shandwick
In 2024 I was thrilled to work on several pieces for Corvette: the flagship vehicle of General Motors and one of America’s most important cars.
Oh hey, that’s me on cam! I show people how they can make their Corvette look great using their phone.
You won’t believe this, but for this one, I was given a really weird request: “make a cool car edit.” I guess!
I went to Miami for the unveiling of the ZR1 (the fastest Corvette ever), plus meet Corvette’s lead engineer as he delivered his swan song. Doesn’t get much more fun than all that!
I created this piece to announce that the latest ZR1 is both the “Fastest” as well as the “Quickest” Corvette ever! Yes, there’s a difference.
This last piece is the only one of the bunch to feature a quieter, more contemplative look at this monster of a car.